Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Housewives, continued and Fall Tulips

I just realized that I wanted to include one tip that I discovered this weekend, thanks to my mother. We had bought tulips (first of the year and my favorite flower for any of you who might care to know...) the day before Thanksgiving and I was worried that they were looking as though they might not last one, much less a few days days.

Well, they are still going strong, as are the Irises I bought yesterday from good old Trader Joe’s. The secret is to put lots and lots of fresh cranberries in the vase along with the water. It not only looks very festive, but the flowers last. I suspect it has something to do with the sugar in the fruit feeding the cut flowers allowing them to last longer.

I also suspect that my inner 1950s housewife is not so inner. Though I would prefer to have more of an inner Julia Child, or, younger, hipper, less felony-convicted Martha Stewart.

Enfin, voila what it all looks like:

I on the other hand am going to go and listen to "Mother's Little Helper" by the Stones to excorcise some of these cheesy ghosts haunting my psyche.