Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Tasting Heaven on a Tuesday,

I might have found a new food-vice, which having just been consumed, has fallen into the category of can-no-longer-live-without. Ever. 

Alfajor Maitelates, a short-bread cookie filled with dulce de leche and covered in dark chocolate. Can any more perfect ingredients be combined any more exquisitely? 

At $3.00 a pop, plus the requisite chic-chic but very yummy coffee at Comet Coffee (where one procures these tastes of heaven, tack on another $2) and a visit to my tobacconist Maison Edwards (rapidly becoming my home away from home, in the same arcade as the coffee shop, tack on anywhere from $0.95 to $13.50 for a smoke) this vice might just have a big impact on my weekly budget, but one well worth it.